In News items, Revenue Management

The next pre CRME webinar on Forecast and Outcome will be moderated by Arthur Waller Product Owner at BookingSuite and a member of HSMAI Europe Revenue Management Advisory Board together with Cidalia Pinto Coelho Director of Revenue Management at Louvre Hotel Group.

Arthur Waller and Cidalia Pinto Coelho

Arthur Waller and Cidalia Pinto Coelho.

It is the third HSMAI Europe pre CRME webinar in a series of five this winter preparing you for the globally recognised CRME (Certified Revenue Management Executive) certification.

Sign up for this session:

The HSMAI Europe pre CRME webinars are based on various chapters of the global CRME study guide The Evolving Dynamics of Revenue Management. Each webinar concentrates on specific chapters and allows you to hear invaluable insights from the top leaders of Revenue Management. It is free to sign up.

For an overview of seminars already held with links to webinar recordings as well as a presentation of upcoming webinars please see:

Top photo:æOffice landscape (Stock photo from Photo Alto‹¢)

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Office landscape (Stock photo from Photo Alto‹¢)Scandic Hotels' president & CEO Frank Fiskers.