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Wilko Weber (Swiss Hospitality Solutions) head of the HSMAI European Academy and Hans Stenseng HSMAI Student leader in HSMAI's Oslo offices.

HSMAI Student is always looking for expansion and for the first tour Hans Stenseng leader of HSMAI Student (and Student at the Oslo School of Management) is headed for Switzerland. There he will visit three schools: Belvoirpark in Zurich DCT in Vitznau and Les Roches-GruyíÂre.

“Swiss schools are very well known as some of the best in hotel restaurant tourism and travel which is why we feel it’s important to establish contacts at as many institutions in Switzerland as possible. I am glad that I get to visit three different universities each with its unique history and approach. Through this we have the opportunity to create even closer relations there” says Stenseng.

In addition he will represent HSMAI Europe during the Swiss Distribution Day organised by among others Swiss Hospitality Solutions where Wilko Weber leader of HSMAI European Academy is partner.

“I look forward to this event. It will be interesting to see how they have organised it and what topics will be discussed. Wilko is a very inspirational man and I look forward to working closely with him’ Hans Stenseng declares.

Photo: Wilko Weber (Swiss Hospitality Solutions) head of the HSMAI European Academy and Hans Stenseng HSMAI Student leader in HSMAI’s Oslo offices.

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