In News items, Travel>Hotels

IDeaS Revenue Solutions recently announced the second and final round of 2011 IDeaS Cornell Revenue Management Scholarship winners according to a press release issued by the company.

Winners include Matthew Wilson Director of Revenue Management DoubleTree by Hilton Boston Downtown; Nicola McDougall Revenue Coordinator Apex Hotels Edinburgh Scotland; and Jeff Tang Director of Revenue Management Grand Hyatt Hong Kong. The recipients were selected by the Scholarship Panel at the Cornell University School of Hotel Administration for their exceptional skill sets and career aspirations within the field of revenue management.

‘ìWe are thrilled to award this scholarship to another round of hospitality professionals eager to advance their understanding of revenue management and advance the revenue management discipline within their teams’ said Vivek Bhogaraju Senior Manager Corporate Business Development IDeaS. ‘ìRevenue management is a necessary function today and Cornell’s curriculum offers an in-depth look at emerging ideas and current practices that benefit hospitality professionals in a variety of positions.’

The scholarship programme funded by IDeaS gives hospitality professionals access to five eCornell courses covering topics such as pricing strategy overbooking practices and forecasting in relation to revenue management and allows both beginners and seasoned revenue management professionals from around the world the opportunity to evolve their knowledge of the industry.

‘ìThis scholarship provides a fantastic opportunity to learn from the best and brightest and further develop my skill set’ said Wilson. ‘ìRevenue management is a rather recent and constantly evolving role and I look forward to discovering new management techniques to help me improve revenue initiatives within my organisation.’

‘ìThe continued teaching of revenue management is imperative to keep one step ahead of your competition and grow your business in tough economic times’ added McDougall. ‘ìI hope to take away an enriched knowledge of best working practices and utilise the information to educate my colleagues and create a more effective revenue department.’

‘ìThis programme has the potential to bring my hotel’s operating efficiency to the next level and I trust that I will gain an understanding of new approaches and tools for optimising revenue across all levels of operations’ said Tang.

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