In News items, Profile

Arthur Waller


Price Matchæ

Q:æWhat does a day at work consist of for you?

A:æThe beauty of it is that it is never the same ! Everyday I try to always talk to at least one consumer to hear why he is happy or unhappy. I have a daily meeting with our algorithm team to monitor accuracy of our forecasts and performance of our recommendations the heart of our job and of our reputation!

I also try to perform all tasks we expect our employees to perform to see by myself how hard complicated or boring it is. At the moment I am doing a lot of coldcalling..

Q:æWhat’s the best part of your job?

A: æNo doubt: talking to happy customers that saved time and increased revenue using the tool we designed for them.

Q:æDo you have anyone you’ve looked up to?

A:æWe admire the go-to-market strategy of SiteMinder and we try to adapt it to revenue management systems.

Q:æDo you have any nice traditions at your office?

A:ææEverytime a new hotel signs up you can hear an automatic gong in our office.æWe also have Beer Friday : all employees can relax at the end of a hard week of work having some drinks in the office! Inspired by Google’s TGIF!

Q:æHow long have you been a member of HSMAI?

A:æJust joined and hope that will last!

Q:æWhat do you think is the best thing about HSMAI?

A:æBeing the forum where people share knowledge experiences and good tips! That makes all the industry stronger!

Q:æAre there any activities or projects you think HSMAI should start up?

A:æHaving a wiki.æ

Q:æDescribe your perfect weekend.

A:ææI recently had a perfect week-end in Montenegro a very charming and authentic country that I recommend to you. Not too many people very nice landscapes both mountains and beaches. Very nice food and very enthusiastic ald warm people!

Q:æIf you were the prime minister of Norway what issues would you focus on?

A:æPoisoned salmons! We had a terrible documentary on this on French TV just before Xmas last year and Norwegian smoked salmons sales dramatically decreased!

Q:æDo you have any special hobbies?

A:æSoccer travelling obviously and eating as all French people!


Foto: Arthur Waller


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