In Europe, Featured, HSMAI, News items

The surveys is finalizedæand the feedback on the conference in London and the conference in Berlin isæamazing.

Annual Revenue Optimisation Conference London Tuesday 24 February 2015

On the main question:

What is your evaluation of the HSMAI Revenue Management Conference in general?

96 % said it was excellent or very good. We are very happy and thankful.

Respons Prosent:

  1. Very poor 0%
  2. Poor 0%
  3. Good 4%
  4. Very good 57%
  5. Excellent 39%

The HSMAI Europe pre-ITB conference Tuesday 3 March 2015

On the main question:

What is your evaluation of the HSMAI Europe pre-ITB conferenceæin general?

82 % said it was excellent or very good. The rest said it was good. Thank you. Great inspiration!

What is your evaluation of the Conference in general?

Respons Prosent:

  1. Very poor 0%
  2. Poor 0%
  3. Good 18%
  4. Very good 38%
  5. Excellent 44%
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||HSMAI Europe Prersident & CEO Ingunn Hofseth. Photographers: Gunnar Kopperud & Netta Nyman - /|