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AUSTIN Texas USA The world’s largest hospitality show HITEC 2015 took place in Austin TX this week from Monday 15 to Thursday 18 June sporting no less than 5500 attendees and 300 participating companies with HSMAI abundantly present.

“To us the annual HITEC expo is a welcome opportunity to stay in touch with our partners of whom many European” Ingunn Hofseth President and CEO of HSMAI Europe explains in a statement given at HSMAI partner Infor’s stand (see picture).

“HITEC (Hospitality Industry Technology Exposition & Conference) offers a unique combination of top-notch hospitality technology education led by industry peers and experts and an unparalleled trade show showcasing the latest products and services from over 300 companies occupying more than 130000 square feet so it’s been a very busy but extremely interesting and inspiring couple of day” she says continuing:

“Nowhere else can premiere hospitality professionals gather to learn and experience the technologies that continue to enhance our industry and our customers’ experiences.”

HITEC serves as a vehicle for encouraging the dissemination of the most current applications to the industry worldwide.

HITEC is a close partner of HSMAI in the Americasæannuallyæco-locating HITEC and the HSMAI ROC respectively for the benefit of our members.

Photo: HSMAI Europe’s President and CEO Ingunn Hofseth at HSMAI partner Infor’s HITEC stand in Austin Texas Tuesday 16 June 2015.

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Office landscape (Stock photo from Photo Alto‹¢)The HSMAI Revenue Optimisation Conference in Austin Texas Monday 15 June 2015.|The HSMAI Revenue Optimisation Conference in Austin Texas Monday 15 June 2015.