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Bí«rd Tronvoll

Professor of Marketing

Hedmark University of Applied Sciences / Karlstad University

Bí«rd is a member of the HSMAI National Advisory Board in Norway and also a valued advisor on a pan-European level for HSMAI with a special focus on two new projects: theæService Pledge and the Event Trend Barometer.

Q:æWhat does a day at work consist of for you?

A:æI am a professor of marketing at Hedmark University of Applied Sciences (Norway) and the program director of Master of Science in Business Administration programs. I am also professor at Karlstad University (Sweden) and a distinguished senior research fellow at HANKEN School of Economics (Finland). My job consists mainly of doing research and teaching. I am involved in several research projects and writing about these takes most of my day. Two of the exiting although different research projects I am involved in are (i) investigating the digital transformation networks undergo to become more service oriented and (ii) how customers change their music listening experience as the digital steaming services are growing.

Today I have discussed the development of Service Pledge and the Event barometer with HSMAI. As I hold a PhD in service research my passion is to make companies more service oriented. Therefore I am pleased that with the Service Pledge I think we have a good opportunity to contribute to the focus of good service.

Q:æWhat’s the best part of your job?

A:æThe possibility to meet people – students academic staff and industry leaders – and challenge them on questions like how is value created and captured? How should we do innovation in complex markets? For sure they also challenge me in my arguments. I really like these discussions.

Q:æDo you have anyone you’ve looked up to?

A:æI have several bright colleagues and students and they put a lot of effort into research and teaching. They make the research world a nice place to be.

Q:æDo you have any nice traditions at your office?

A:æAt Karlstad University we do the ‘Öfika’ every day at 2.30 pm which mean that we sit together drinking coffee and discuss research and every day topics.

Q:æHow long have you been a member of HSMAI?

A:æI joined HSMAI in 1993 and soon after I had the fortune to be part of the board of HSMAI. I have continued be a member of the board since then.

Q:æWhat do you think is the best thing about HSMAI?

A:æI appreciate the ambition of HSMAI and their ability to deliver exiting arrangements.

Q:æDescribe your perfect weekend.

A:æI like travelling and I have just visited Nice with my wife for a weekend; warm weather good food and some fine attractions is ingredients for a perfect weekend.

Q:æIf you were trapped on a desert island what would you take with you if you could choose one thing?

A:æMy PC!

Q:æWhat is the title of the book about your life?

A:æDifficult describing the professional life it could be – ‘ìThe academic journey of Service’

Q:æWhat is your next travel-destination?

A:æI am going to an academic conference in Stockholm next week.


Photo:æBí«rd Tronvoll

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