Resources: Sustainability Guide and Toolbox

A guide and toolbox designed to help your organisation initiate positive change
This ebook on sustainability is a valuable toolbox for organisations in the hospitality, tourism, and travel industry seeking to make a positive impact. Discover the reasons why incorporating sustainable practices is not just a choice but an imperative for businesses today.
Inside, you’ll find a step-by-step process to integrate sustainable initiatives into your organisation and real-world success stories shared by HSMAI Europe association members. Our ebook equips you with a simple-to-use worksheet with practical templates for meeting agendas, assessments, and goal-setting. This guide is aimed at helping your organisation initiate positive change.
Target group
This ebook targets organisations in hospitality, tourism, and travel looking to adoptsustainable practices. Hotel chains, individual hotels, cruise companies, event and travelagencies fall within this audience. Aimed at managers and team leaders, it guides themin achieving sustainability goals within their organisations. Additionally, educationalinstitutions and students may benefit from this ebook to get industry insights.