In Featured, News items, Profile, Sales

Dean Bannon

Director ofæSales

GrandæHotel Stockholm

Q:æWhat does a day at work consist of for you?

A:æI am normally up early around 06h00 out with the dog (it’s a Golden Retriever called Tim!) and checking emails. As a real wake up I generally bike into the office all year round no matter what the weather. If I am not travelling somewhere then I always start the day with a morning meeting with the leadership team and the Sales Team to have a chat catch up on what is happening that day or any other pressing events. The rest of the day will be catching up with customers and partners spending time with my various teams attending meetings and reading/researching on all things hotel related.

Q:æWhat’s the best part of your job?

A:æWhen I feel that I have made a difference and contributed.

Q:æDo you have anyone you’ve looked up to?

A:æMandela for the tenacity of the human spirit. I also lived in South Africa when he had just become president but unfortunately I never had the chance to meet him.

Q:æDo you have any nice traditions at your office?

A:æYes we always have ice cream in the staff canteen on Fridays!

Q:æHow long have you been a member of HSMAI?

A:æWe joined earlier this year.

Q:æWhat do you think is the best thing about HSMAI?

A:æI am always looking to develop learn and network with peers. I was attracted to HSMAI as it covers all the areas I am responsible for in the hotel and has some fantastic members with great experience.

Q:æAre there any activities or projects you think HSMAI should start up?

A: As a new member I am not in a position to answer that but give me time’_

Q:æDescribe your perfect weekend.

A:æRecording a really quick time in a triathlon followed by a long lazy lunch outdoors in a warm climate with friends family and great food and wine.

Q:æIf you were trapped on a desert island what would you take with you if you could choose one thing?

A:æHmm that’s a hard one – bucket or spade? I’ll go with the spade.

Q:æWhat is the title of the book about your life?

A:æLove Refuge – people always ask me why I ended up in Sweden and that’s why.

Q:æWhat is your next travel destination?


Q:æDo you have any special hobbies?

A:æI do a lot of multisport such as triathlon duathlon and swim-run.

Photo: Dean Bannon Director of Sales. Grand Hotel Stockholm.

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