In Featured, Letters from the President & CEO, News items

At our european leadership day in France in September we decided to move on with the development of our important initiative – The Service Pledge. The program consist of workshops, gamifications and Awards.

This week we have been in Spain, hosting the first internal pilot workshop for the service pledge together with a few potential trainers. Mia Touzin is HSMAI Region Europe Education Adviser and she works part time for us. She is the Former Field Leader, Hospitality and Event Management degree programmes at the University of West London. She also has background from the industry as well as from Glion in Switzerland. She has been developing the program for us and also facilitating the workshop and we have gone through all the material and the well documented model to work out a companyÕs service pledge. During the workshop we have also worked out a proposal for HSMAI Region Europe Service Pledge. More about that later.

Here is a little more information on why we are doing this:

In business today itÕs all about the customer experience. Everything is getting more and more transparent and margins for errors are so small. Even if the customers are the most valued assets, there is not so common for companies to have their own service pledge. Most companies have a vision and a set of values. We believe it should be equally important to have a service pledge – what customers can expect from us – and also to communicate that to their customers.

We introduced the program during our leadership day in France and got very good feedback and among other that this will become amongst the best programs we have ever done. In our conference in Amsterdam, the ROC & DOC at the 29th and 30th we will introduce the program. Our role (Mia) will be to certify trainers that will act on our behalf in different countries and we are working on the business model as we speak

Next step will be a meeting in Amsterdam March 30th. See here:

Introduction to The Service Pledge, how to become a certified trainer and to learn about the benefits to your organisation Sign up here:

About HSMAI Region Europe:

The leading meeting place of the industry.

The Hospitality Sales and Marketing Association International (HSMAI) Region Europe is committed to growing business for the hotel, event and travel industry and their partners, and is the industryÕs leading advocate for intelligent, sustainable revenue growth on a local, national and European level.

The association provides practical tools, insights, and cutting edge expertise to enable knowledge sharing and enhance professional development as well as fuel sales, inspire marketing, transform businesses digitally and optimise revenue.

Our values show in all we do Ð from the development of activities to communication with our members and partners.

Have a great weekend!


Ingunn Hofseth. Thumbnail

Warm regards,
Ingunn Hofseth
President & CEO
HSMAI Region Europe

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