In Featured, HSMAI, News, News items, Revenue

Back from a marvelous Easter vacation we are once more ready to take on the tasks at hand. I should perhaps add that in Norway, where I live, this particular vacation is extra long, compared to other countries, as you will understand from this Visit Norway video on Norwegian Easter traditions:

Just prior to the Easter holidays HSMAI Region Europe held three different events in Spanish Palma de Mallorca, in addition to a workshop on our global Revenue Management Certification, all of which encouraged a repetition.

Together with our partner HITEC, therefore, we will return to Palma next year. The dates are set to April the 21st – 23rd 2020, where, amongst other things, we will introduce a completely new conference held by HSMAI Region Europe, focusing on Marketing and Revenue Strategies for Resorts. This is very exciting and planning is already underway.

The ROC – the annual Revenue Optimization Conference – is moving back to London, where it all started and was held every year up until three years ago, at which point it was moved to Amsterdam for two years, and then, this year, in Palma. Also currently under planning, under the following slogan:


At this present we are negotiating time and place with various venues, so you will hear more from us within short. This is going to be great!

Enjoy the weekend!

Warm regards from
Ingunn Hofseth
President & CEO
HSMAI Region Europe

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